FAQ: Technical Questions & Answers
What are GoodCrypto's security features?
Encrypts content and metadata
It's easy to understand how someone who can read your mail gains
a lot of valuable information about your business deals,
financial data and more. As articles in
The Guardian
showed, metadata (i.e., sender and recipient addresses, subjects, etc.) reveals much more
private information about you than you might realize. The ex-NSA chief admitted that
"We kill people based on metadata."
GoodCrypto lets you protect both metadata and content.
Mixes and packetizes messages to resist both network and traffic analysis
You can protect your connections with others even more by using GoodCrypto's
bundling and packetization. Messages between two domains are sent in padded and encrypted bundles on a regular
schedule. So no one knows which individuals in the companies are communicating,
how often, or even whether messages are long or short. GoodCrypto encrypts each individual message,
then periodically bundles all messages that are going to the other domain, pads the new combined
message, and finally encrypts the entire bundle. If no one has a message for the
other domain, GoodCrypto still sends a padded encrypted message. Snoops don't know if anyone is actually talking.
Pins keys
GoodCrypto includes the sender's key in the header
of every message. Whenever a message arrives from
someone else using GoodCrypto, the key is verified
that it matches the key in your local database. That
way someone can't fake sending an encrypted message from someone else.
Blocks web malware
GoodCrypto's web proxy strips images and other malware vectors so your users'
computers aren't infected.
Resists user tracking
Everyone's web requests can automatically be routed through Tor so it's
difficult to track what sites users visit. By sharing the same Tor connection,
everyone in your company's web activity is aggregated which amplifies the
protection against tracking of online activity.
Your administrator runs our software on your server
We strongly recommend that you install your GoodCrypto private
server on a headless machine. It is fully self-contained with no
SSH access. Your administrator manages your GoodCrypto private server
via the web with no interface to keys, passphrases, or messages.
All encryption and decryption happens on your servers. Your administrator manages your mail just like always.
All private keys and passphrases stay on your server
You don't need to trust any thirdparty. You
can secure your GoodCrypto private server to meet your standards --
not rely on others.
Any government requests for encryption keys comes to your company so you'll know if the keys are no longer secure.
Easy verification that email was decrypted by your GoodCrypto private server
You can click on a tag added to each decrypted message to verify the message
was decrypted by your GoodCrypto private server. This ensures that someone doesn't
simply add a tag to a regular message to mislead you into thinking it arrived privately.
Open source so anyone can audit code
All of the source code we've written for this project is open source and included
with every distribution. Plus we rely on other open source projects for the
crypto (GPG and Tor) and the OS itself (Linux). We encourage anyone with the skill
to audit our software and publish the results.
Warning if message signed by user other than SMTP sender
GoodCrypto verifies that a signed message was signed by the SMTP sender and reports
if it's not. The SMTP sender is not always the same user as the one that appears in
the header of a message so if someone is trying to trick you into believing a message
was signed by someone it wasn't, GoodCrypto will help you spot the attempted deception.
Sender notification when new key received or created
GoodCrypto sends an email message whenever a new key from a sender is received.
It also reminds you to verify the key id with the sender so you can be confident
you're communicating privately with the person you think you are instead of a