Knowledge Base

How do I configure my firewall for GoodCrypto?

GoodCrypto comes with a preconfigured firewall. Your own firewall needs to allow access to the server.

You'll need to open the following ports for the GoodCrypto machine:

Port Interface Direction Purpose
9151 tcp in tor
8398 tcp in web proxy
8080 tcp in server website
8443 tcp in https for website
10025 tcp in milter port
10026 tcp out milter port
11371 tcp in hkp port (used by keyservers)

The directions in and out are from the viewpoint of your GoodCrypto Server.

Also, if you run GoodCrypto in a VM, we recommend a firewall on the computer that runs the VM with the same ports open. These ports assume the hypervisor is not running as root.