FAQ: General Questions & Answers
Why do I need GoodCrypto?
It's easy to think that when you exchange an email message or browse the web in the privacy of your office or home, no one else can see it. Prior to Edward Snowden's revelations, most of us probably thought economic espionage was just a Hollywood story line, not reality. Just a small sampling of recent news stories shows us how wrong that misconception was.
- Edward Snowden tells German TV that NSA is involved in industrial espionage. (Censored. Copies 1, 2, 3, 4)
- US and Canadian spies have targeted Brazilian companies, Petrobras and Energy and Mining Ministry.
- The Australian spy agency helped BHP negotiate trade deals.
- The Guardian reported that XKeyscore is an NSA tool that collects "nearly everything a user does on the internet".
GoodCrypto stops spies from reading your email in transit and watching where you surf on the web.